Lunch & Learn: Unearthing, Preserving, and Promoting LGBTQ+ History in Maryland

An 1870s lesbian gunslinger. Extravagant 1930s drag balls. Mass protests of the 1980s and 1990s. All are a part of our story. In 2018, Preservation Maryland engaged in a project to create the first comprehensive study of LGBTQ+ history and historic preservation across Maryland. In conducting the research for this project, Ben Egerman was able to identify a wide

Speak your Truth

ArtFarm Studio 111 CHINQUAPIN ROUND RD Suite 200, Annapolis, MD

SYT is back for an 8th year of stopping the stigma of mental illness through words & art. We'll again have live performances with "Speakers" of all varities (e.g., poets, singers, comics, etc.). Click for more info on being a "Speaker." New this year is a deluxe, large vendor space with dedicated hours before the

From Twilight into Sunshine: LGBTQ+ History in Maryland

Linthicum Public Library 400 Shipley Road, Linthicum Heights, MD, United States

For as long as there has been a place called Maryland, there have been people whom we would today see as fitting within the LGBTQ+ community. As cities grew in the 19th century, newspapers began to offer tantalizing clues that all was not straight and narrow and that LGBTQ+ people were becoming more visible, finding

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