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SYT is back for an 8th year of stopping the stigma of mental illness through words & art. We’ll again have live performances with “Speakers” of all varities (e.g., poets, singers, comics, etc.). Click for more info on being a “Speaker.”

New this year is a deluxe, large vendor space with dedicated hours before the performance, making it conducive for more artists/advocates to set up & connect with attendees. Click for more info on being a vendor.

Like before, we’ll be live streaming the performances on YouTube. There will again be an accompanying video of “Speakers” from across the world who submit their work. Click for more info on video submissions.

SYT is a great event for people who…

-appreciate the arts & want exposure to a wide range of local, passioned artists

-are struggling with mental illness & want to connect with others and/or express their battles in a supportive space

-aren’t familiar with mental illness & want a better understanding or find ways to help

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