The Queer Agenda Book Club
Program Type: Books and Writing, LGBTQIA+ Interest
Audience: Adults
Event Details
A monthly book club that reads queer books in a queer- and trans-affirming setting. All identities are welcome!
Pease register for the months you wish to attend here: Upcoming Events | Anne Arundel County Public Library
FEB: we will be reading Bury Your Gays by Chuck Tingle.
MAR: This month, we will be reading Honey Girl by Morgan Rogers. Because the Odenton Library will be closed from March 10th to April 8th, this meeting will be on Zoom. Please register to get the Zoom Meeting Information.
APR: This month, we will be reading Lavender House by Lev AC Rosen.
MAY: This month, we will be reading The Emperor and the Endless Palace by Justinian Huang.