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Funding for the event is made possible by Neely Tal Snyder JPrideSeed Grant.
Register at queerseder.eventbrite.com
by Wednesday, March 17, 2021
What’s our story?
The Annual Baltimore Queer Seder
Passover is a story of the past but it’s also a story of the present. It’s a story of coming into identity and a community being formed. It’s a story of oppression. And it’s a story of liberation.
This virtual Queer Seder is a chance to retell Passover narratives from unique and welcoming perspectives focusing on diverse gender expressions and sexualities and to connect with other LGBTQ Jews and allies in our community.
On this night, we will tell our stories, ancient and new, speaking of silenced souls and celebrating equality. On this night, we will recall our struggles and dream of a future redeemed.
The stories we tell will make us strong and wise.
Add your voice to an evening of Seder rituals, songs, stories, and friendship.

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