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PFLAG Leonardtown will be hosting a πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ Masqueerade Ball πŸͺ© fundraiser; so put on your fancy 🎩 clothes and a fabulous 🎭 mask for an evening of food, drinks, dancing and drag!
This event will take place on the evening of πŸ—“οΈ Saturday, March 25th, 2023 from ⏰ 6-10PM at πŸ“Olde Breton Inn in Leonardtown, MD.
Enjoy an 🍽️ amazing meal and πŸ’΅ cash bar 🍷from Bailey’s catering, dance to 🎡 music by DJ Drumma, and experience πŸ‘‘ drag performances by Angelica Lize and Deior Kouture.
Tickets 🎟️ are available now with options for additional πŸ’΅ donations and/or an annual πŸ’³membership. Visit πŸ“² https://www.eventbrite.com/…/masqueerade-ball-tickets… for tickets.
Event address? 🧭 The Olde Breton Inn is located at 21890 Society Hill Road, Leonardtown, MD 20650
Age Requirement? πŸ”ž This event is open to adults ages 18 and over. For those of legal drinking age, 21+, a cash bar is available with ID required for purchase.
Dietary Restrictions? πŸ₯— While our menu is not finalized, all efforts are being made to ensure options for vegan & vegetarian guests.
Dress code? 🎩 Guests are encouraged to wear semi-formal attire. Due to the masquerade theme, please consider festive attire and a mask!

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